Manage your values

We help you to be autonomous and independent in the management of your values.

Trade from any device and at any time, access complete information on the markets and effectively manage your investments.

Access the demo version to simulate inquiries and operations and thus familiarize yourself with your online broker.


Set an alert and we inform you at any time of the price of a share or at what price a buy-sell order has been executed.

Investment alternatives tailored to you

Welcome promotion

If you are a new client of Co-operative Bank of Evia, this promotion interests you.

During the first 12 months after you request it, enjoy a reduced rate in the commission for the sale of equities traded in the Spanish markets, through the Ib-broker service.

We offer you other investment alternatives so that you can buy Fixed Income financial assets issued by public institutions, such as the State, the Autonomous Communities and other Public Bodies. You can also acquire in our offices, financial assets of Private Fixed Income, issued by companies.